New Patient Offers | Dunwoody, GA
Limited-Time Specials
Offers End February 15, 2025
View our limited-time specials and call or click to request an appointment today. Dr. Albert Nordone, Dr. Hannah Oh, and their team look forward to meeting you.
New Patient
Dental Exam
Dental Exam
Includes a comprehensive exam by one of our doctors and necessary x‑rays.
(D0150, D0210)
New Patient
Dental Cleaning
Dental Cleaning
A new patient exam is required. Includes a professional dental cleaning. Does not include periodontal therapy.
New Children’s
Exam & Cleaning
Exam & Cleaning
Patients 12 and under receive a professional dental cleaning, fluoride treatment, needed x‑rays, and a comprehensive exam.
(D0150, D0274, D1120, D1208)
Dentistry with a Difference
Dunwoody’s Best Dentists
Thanks to all of our great patients for voting for Dentistry with a Difference as the Best Dentists in Dunwoody four years in a row!